Levi Ackerman may not be the main protagonist of Attack on Titan, but a significant number of fans may say that he “stole the show” -- or at least gathered a lot of attention from fans through the years. While many are attracted to Levi because of his appearance, his personality also makes him a great character. The squad captain acts as a rock for the Survey Corps, keeping everyone grounded. One can surely rely on Levi if they need some sense knocked back into them, especially during a crisis.

Levi possesses traits that are not appealing to everyone -- he’s blunt, vulgar and doesn't hesitate to express his resentment or annoyance toward people or things. Despite this, he remains a well-respected figure within the Survey Corps and the military. After all, he's Humanity’s Strongest Soldier -- and his zodiac sign makes perfect sense given this fact. Levi's birthday is on December 25th, meaning he’s a Capricorn -- known to be the most ambitious of all the zodiac signs.

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Attack on Titan Levi Cleaning

Capricorn is an earth sign represented by a sea goat and the zodiac’s tenth sign. Aside from being the most ambitious, Capricorns are often referred to as workaholics. These people possess great determination, are goal-oriented, and have a knack for practicality and logic. Such traits lead them to be natural leaders or the responsible ones in their friend groups. Due to their ambitious and hardworking nature, Capricorns always strive for greatness, consistently setting high standards for themselves and others. They despise failure and incompetence and will be hard on themselves if they fail to achieve a goal or something does not hold up to their standards. Therefore, it's also quite unavoidable for Capricorns to be stubborn and pessimistic at times.

Since Capricorns focus more on the logical side of things, these people may frequently appear cold, emotionless or uncaring. At times, they experience difficulty in expressing their emotions or even being sensitive to the feelings of others. However, this doesn’t mean they’re robots with no hearts or empathy. Deep down, they do care, but since they focus on the practical aspect of the situation, their words might come off as a bit harsh at times.

Many of these Capricorn traits are prominent in Humanity’s Strongest Soldier. Levi is not only strong physically but also emotionally and mentally. Surely it isn’t easy having a job that involves putting one’s life on the line. Aside from that, he has comrades dying left and right on a regular basis. Levi had a rough childhood as well, having grown up in the Underground. However, despite his experiences, he remains firmly grounded.

Capricorns possess the ability to remain grounded at times when it's most necessary, which makes them ideal people to turn to for decisions during tough situations. As the squad captain, there are many situations throughout Attack on Titan where the Survey Corps turn to Levi to call the shots during a crisis. In the "Female Titan" arc, Eren was tempted to transform into a Titan and fight while the female titan was chasing them. However, Levi’s words and the rest of Squad Levi, who greatly believe in their captain, brought Eren back to his senses.

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Generally, Capricorns prefer to be organized. For Levi, this translates to his obsession with cleanliness. Levi needs his living environment to be spotless, and he won't hesitate to call out Eren and the others for doing a bad job at cleaning. Even in battle, he takes the time to wipe the blood off his blades. Moreover, while Levi may look cold and emotionless most of the time, he’s still empathetic and cares for his fellow soldiers and their well-being. From giving a subordinate his fallen comrade’s patch to reassuring a dying soldier that he did his job, Levi is someone who’s always thanking and honoring the numerous fallen soldiers for their duty. There’s also his promise to Erwin, which he still keeps close to his heart.

Levi can get emotional over something but will quickly return to his rational self. In Season 4 Part 1, Zeke thought he had the upper hand after many Survey Corps members transformed into Titans right before Levi’s eyes. While Levi did hesitate for a split second because he remembered them as humans, it was a thought in passing, and he immediately went back to doing what he had to do.

Capricorns are all about drive, power, ambition and hard work. Throughout the story of Attack on Titan, Levi has consistently dedicated his heart to the Survey Corps. The rest of the Survey Corps place great faith in him because they’re aware of his capabilities. Aside from his impressive skills, Levi's practical leadership and track record prove that he is indeed Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.

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