When Asuna first starts out in Sword Art Online, "inspirational" is one of the worst words to describe her. After all, it's her first time attempting to play an MMO or VRMMO of any kind, and she only plays it because her brother is unable to do so on launch day. When the truth about being trapped within the now-death game gets out, Asuna locks herself in an inn room for several weeks before deciding to do something about her situation.

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Even then, she fights recklessly with little regard for her own life. After meeting and bonding with Kirito, she begins to see the little beauties of even a world like Aincrad, and she gains a newfound drive to live and escape. She's also able to enjoy hobbies such as cooking. She ends up as a strong, vitally important, and incredibly popular character who has many hard-hitting quotes to inspire fans.

8 "Life Isn't Just Doing Things For Yourself. It's Possible To Live In Such A Way That Other People's Happiness Makes You Happy, Too."

asuna smiling at kirito sao

When the game first begins, it's safe to say that Asuna is blinded by her despair. Later, she's blinded by her desire to escape no matter what, even at the cost of disregarding her own life. As time goes on, however, her values begin to change.

As she spends time with Kirito and later with Yui as a pseudo-family, she begins to understand that living isn't just about living for oneself. The happiness of those close to someone can make them happy in return. Sometimes, they're even happier than they would've been on their own.

7 "Sometimes, The Things That Matter The Most Are Right In Front Of You."

asuna and kirito casual outfits

In life, it can be easy to become distracted by far-off goals or worries. If someone isn't careful, they can end up becoming consumed by these things, to the point where they can no longer appreciate the things around them.

This is shown with Asuna's single-minded burning desire to escape at first, and she didn't even take time to enjoy things like a good meal or the company of a close friend. Kirito helps her learn that, oftentimes, people should be focusing on the things right in front of them first and foremost.

6 "There Is One Thing I've Learned Here. To Keep Doing Your Best, Up Until The Very End."

Asuna Fighting With Sword

It's easy to be lazy and refuse to put in the effort needed to attain a better lot in life. Sometimes, this can be the result of someone being too afraid to fail. In Asuna's case, she's too afraid of losing her own life.

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That doesn't mean it's okay to just lay down and accept defeat, though. This is something she has to learn the hard way, but it's always better to keep on fighting right up until the end rather than to accept defeat.

5 "It's Better Not To Go Digging For A Deeper Meaning In A Name. You'll End Up Missing More Than You Observe."

asuna looking surprised over her shoulder sao

For anime fans, it's pretty common for them to look up what their favorite characters' names might mean, as no character is ever given a name without a meaning. However, this doesn't really apply in the same way when it comes to actual people.

There's far more to someone than what their name might mean, and it's generally a waste of time to try to divulge something deeper from it. After all, even if there is a deep meaning to a real person's name, they might turn out to be completely different.

4 "I'm Not Going To Die Because I'm The One Who's Going To Protect You."

Asuna using sword skill

In the beginning, Asuna is a weak and scared girl who throws away any regard for her own safety when she does try to fight back. She begins taking things more seriously after meeting Kirito, and the two become incredibly close.

Naturally, he begins to worry about her safety and doesn't want to lose her. She reassures him that she's strong enough to protect not only him, but herself as well. It's an inspiring message to take to heart: even someone who starts out weak can become someone strong enough to protect what matters to them.

3 "If We Ever Return To The Real World, I'll Definitely Find You And Fall In Love With You All Over Again."

Kirito reunites with Asuna at the hospital

All Kirito and Asuna wanted throughout their time trapped in Aincrad was to escape. However, as their time for doing so draws near, another concern begins to nag at the two of them: if they do manage to get out, will they actually be able to find one another again?

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Asuna decides that she's not going to show any doubt on the matter. She confidently states that if they do get out, she'll find Kirito for sure and fall in love with the real him as well. It's an incredibly sweet sentiment, as well as one that ends up coming true in the end.

2 "I Wondered If Everything Here, Everything That Had Happened With You, Was Only A Dream. I Was Really Scared."

asuna and kirito sword art online

During their time in Aincrad, Asuna has a dream about her old life. When she wakes up, she's terrified that everything that'd happened with Kirito was merely a dream, and she says she's glad that it wasn't.

This is true despite all of the despair that they'd seen during their time trapped in Aincrad. It's a good message that no matter how many hardships are present in one's life, they might prefer it over an easier life if they have something — or someone — that truly matters to them.

1 "I'd Rather Stay The Way I Am Until The Last Moment. Even If A Monster Beats Me And I Die, I Won't Lose To This Game Or This World."

asuna serious sword art online

Just because someone has to go through an incredibly serious situation — even one where it's a matter of life or death — doesn't mean they have to give up their values or who they are.

Asuna's determination solidifies after bonding with Kirito, and she lets some of her true personality shine despite being afraid of losing her life within Aincrad and not getting to see the real world again. She comes to understand that even if she dies, as long as she can stay true to herself, then she won't see it as a true defeat.

NEXT: 10 Sword Art Online Voice Actors & Where You've Heard Them Before