• When Artemis Fowl went straight to Disney+, people speculated it wasn't a good sign. 1 / 9

  • The movie, based on a popular book series, was in pre-production for about 15 years. 2 / 9

  • It fails as a literary adaption, but that's not its only weakness. 3 / 9

  • The characters are robbed of all their charisma. 4 / 9

  • The story is almost unrecognizable, with major changes and a different sequence of events. 5 / 9

  • There's too much narration, and two of the actors use bizarre fake voices. 6 / 9

  • The effects are poor, and the lead is miscast. 7 / 9

  • Disney has a bad track record with live-action adaptations, despite recruiting strong talent. 8 / 9

  • It's tragic when great books are made into boring movies. 9 / 9