• Arrow's latest episode saw the return of Colin Donnell's Tommy Merlyn, who died in Season 1. 1 / 11

  • The episode picked up in the aftermath of an explosion, with Oliver trapped between concrete pillars. 2 / 11

  • Tommy appeared as a hallucination to impart advice on Oliver's situation with Emiko. 3 / 11

  • "You are a figment of my imagination that has been sent over here to test my resolve." 4 / 11

  • Oliver was determined to stop Emiko by any means necessary, even if that meant killing her. 5 / 11

  • Tommy insisted this would only perpetuate the cycle of violence and hatred Robert Queen created. 6 / 11

  • Though Oliver resisted at first, Tommy's words eventually got under Oliver's skin. 7 / 11

  • Oliver later found Emiko in the midst of a Ninth Circle massacre at SCPD. 8 / 11

  • Instead of killing her, like he told Tommy he would do, he tried to reason with her. 9 / 11

  • "I want you to help me end our family's cycle of violence," he begged. 10 / 11

  • She spurned him and took off holding a weapon that could destroy Star City. 11 / 11