Aquaman is not the most likable member of the Justice League. He's a gruff, belligerent and frequently antagonistic, but those traits can be helpful when you're the leader of an undersea nation that's constantly fighting for its place in the world.

RELATED: DC: 5 Marvel Heroes Aquaman Could Defeat (& 5 He Would Lose To)

Those qualities are less helpful when you're on a superhero team, though Batman seems to make it work and he's on several teams. So much for being a dark and brooding loner! Heroes and villains in the DC Universe have gotten used to Aquaman, but Marvel villains would find themselves divided on him. Here are five of those villains who Aquaman would hate and five more he'd surprisingly get along with.

10 HE WOULD HATE: Apocalypse

Apocalypse standing in an action pose

One of Marvel's oldest and most powerful mutants, Apocalypse is driven by the simple premise of the survival of the fittest. It informs his every decision, and his goals for the entire planet. He is easily one of the greatest threats on the planet.

That being said, there is nothing about him that Aquaman would find remotely redeemable. In fact, Apocalypse would immediately remind Aquaman of several villains he and the Justice League have faced in the past.


This man is a truly unstoppable force in the Marvel Universe, and one that seems to switch between good and evil depending on what's necessary. Juggernaut might fight mutants a lot but he actually isn't one.

His powers are mystical in nature, though that doesn't make them any less dangerous. Aquaman might actually like Juggernaut. They would make an interesting team, giving Aquaman some extra muscle in a fight.

8 HE WOULD HATE: Carnage

Calling himself Carnage is as apt a name as any villain has ever had. There is little method to his madness, though there is, on rare occasions, some extremely base rationality to his motives. Unfortunately, his focus is usually how much blood he can spray across the walls in an orphanage.

Aquaman would be on the frontlines of fighting Carnage, though that probably means working with Spider-Man. He would hate working with Spider-Man.


Mystique in prison as seen in Marvel Comics.

As a shapeshifting mutant, Mystique has the ability to be anyone and blend in anywhere. It's a subtle, but incredibly powerful, ability. More than a villain, Mystique is a mercenary at heart, switching her allegiances depending on what serves her best at that time and working for whichever side pays the most.

Much like the Juggernaut, Mystique would make an superb ally for Aquaman. She might even be able to shift into someone who can breath underwater, allowing her to help him on land and in the sea.

6 HE WOULD HATE: Red Skull

Red Skull holding cosmic cube in Marvel Comics

The simple reality is that most Marvel villains don't like Red Skull. They're forced to work with him from time to time when their respective interests intersect but they sure as hell do not like the man. It's hard to get along with someone who has his specific motivations and history.

After encountering him, Aquaman would last under ten seconds (at best) before trying to beat the crap out of the red-faced Nazi. The only reason he wouldn't is because Superman or Flash would get there first.


Enchantress sits on a fantasy throne in Marvel Comics

The thing about the Enchantress is that she gets along with everyone. It's the nature of her powers, after all. Oddly enough, Aquaman actually might be one the individuals in either universe who would actually like her.

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They are completely different people, one being an Atlantean king and the other an Asgardian, but they could actually connect over their mutual dislike of humanity. Plus, Enchantress enjoys spending time with royalty and Aquaman is certainly that.


Loki in Marvel Comics

On the other Asgardian hand, Loki is the exact type of villain that drives Aquaman nuts. In many ways, Loki is more of an imp than he is a villain; an irritating being with too much power and not enough restraint. Even worse, he thinks he's funny.

Aquaman isn't really known for his sense of humor, or for tolerating powerful imps. Aquaman would be first in line to help Thor deal with Loki. Permanently.


Magneto is neither hero nor villain. His goal is simply to elevate mutants to the position he believes they should be in. But the downside of that otherwise altruistic goal is that the ways Magneto chooses to achieve it frequently drags him and his supporters to the bad side of the line.

He has worked with the X-Men as many times as he has fought them. Magneto and Aquaman might find some common ground in defending their respective peoples from humanity, and build a friendship from there.


Namor is whatever suits his needs. Some days he sides with the Avengers, others he's trying to bring them down. He main goal frequently seems to be steal the Invisible Woman away from Mr. Fantastic. As such, there is no possible was that Namor and Aquaman would ever get along.

If they both existed in the same universe, the unfortunate reality is that there is only one Atlantis and neither man is great at sharing. There can only be one king.


Oddly enough, Aquaman might actually get along with Doctor Doom. Like Namor or Magneto, Doom changes sides depending on what suits his purposes at that moment. In his mind, there is no good or evil, only what does and doesn't benefit Doom.

As a ruler of his own people, Aquaman might understand that. Well, as long as Doom doesn't try to take Atlantis from Aquaman, but the good Doctor would never do that... right?

NEXT: Aquaman: 10 Bad Decisions That Still Haunt Him Today