The following contains spoilers for the story "Survivors" from Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis #1 now on sale

The future of the DC Universe is currently in flux, with the heroes and villains careening towards the upcoming Dark Crisis. This began with the apparent deaths of the Justice League at the hands of Pariah and his Dark Army prompting a new generation to rise up from the sidekicks and students of the fallen heroes.

The story "Survivors" by Chuck Brown, Fico Ossio, and Sebastian Cheng focused on part of the fallout of Justice League #75, teaming up a classic DC hero with the partner of a new ally. But on top of proving that Jackson Hyde -- the new Aquaman is capable of working with older generations of heroes, it also suggests he'd actually make a pretty good Green Lantern.

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gl meets aquaman

"Survivors" deals with the fallout of the Justice League's apparent deaths fighting against the Dark Army. This includes many of their allies, such as Hal Jordan who'd been on assignment elsewhere in the galaxy as his friends went off to face their apparent doom. Following a mysterious monster to Earth, Jordan isn't able to keep it from reaching the oceans where it quickly multiplies. Luckily, Jackson Hyde has fully stepped into his position as the new Aquaman and is able to rush to help. Together they manage to keep the creature from spreading throughout the Earth's oceans.

The two quickly work together well, with Jackson openly admitting he doesn't know what he's doing exactly, just that he's doing something to help. This actually earned a sly smile from Hal, who quickly worked in tandem with Jackson's plan to purge the alien species of its dark elements and render them peaceful. Afterward, they were willing to fly away with Jordan instead of spreading through the planet. Jordan leaves impressed with Hyde, encouraging him that he and the next generation of young heroes will need to "step up" to fill the roles of their fallen mentors.

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gl and aquaman say their farewells

Throughout their team-up, Jackson seemed to showcase a lot of the elements that make for a worthy Green Lantern, especially in the eyes of someone like Hal Jordan. He's fearless, diving into danger without a single hesitation. He's clearly got a great deal of willpower, considering he's able to quickly create a massive centrifuge to solve the problem. He's clearly undisturbed by the weirdness of alien life, quickly befriending the creature after helping restore it to its true form. Hal's casual acceptance even could be seen as another hint that Jackson would actually find a pretty comfortable flying through the cosmos as a member of the Green Lantern Corps.

What makes that especially interesting is that Hal has already met the new Green Lantern. Jo Mullein -- the star of Far Sector came to the core-DC Universe in the aftermath of the Central Power Battery being destroyed. She and Hal Jordan confronted one another and ultimately did work together although Jo's take-charge attitude might bristle against the more hotshot Jordan. Considering the young heroes who might need to unite in the face of the coming Dark Army and that teases have hinted Jackson and Jo will fight alongside the Jon Kent Superman, Jace Fox Batman, and Yara Flor Wonder Girl, it could be an almost funny source of tension if the actual Green Lantern on the team wasn't as appreciated by her fellow Corpsmen as much as her teammate.