The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (or MBTI® for short) is a test used to determine one's personality type, based on four categories of traits — extroversion (E) vs. introversion (I), intuition (N) vs. sensing (S), thinking (T) vs. feeling (F), and judgment (J) vs perception (P). There are also different MBTI® "doms" based on cognitive functions, such as Ne, which represents extroverted intuition, or Te, which represents extroverted thinking — these are the two you'll find in those with the ENTP personality type; here's a complete list.

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The ENTP personality type isn't the most common, as the traits tend to clash somewhat, but those who have it are usually the confident, outgoing, and intelligent type. Several anime characters are ENTPs, as they often make for good protagonists or "guide" characters.

Updated on October 14th, 2021 by Anya Wassenberg: The original list has been updated to include some characters who’ve more recently become more popular, and from series that are fan favorites. This personality type often includes some of the most interesting characters in anime, because they are so uncompromising in their direction— whatever it may be.

10 Okabe Rintarou Is A Smart, Social Mad Scientist (Steins;Gate)

Rintarou Okabe laughing with his friends in steins;gate

Rintarou Okabe, the main protagonist of the anime series Steins;Gate, is an ENTP to the core. He's smart and social, but can be a bit of a mad scientist. In terms of functions, he definitely seems more of Te dom than anything else, although some have argued he leans more towards being a Ne dom.

Overall, he's the free-thinking, investigative type, which makes him a good person overall, though he can be prone to fits of incredulity.

9 Bulma Doesn't Hide Her Strong Personality (Dragon Ball)

Bulma (Dragon Ball)

Bulma, a character from the anime series Dragon Ball Z, is another archetypal ENTP protagonist — she has plenty of personality and doesn't try to hide it, but she's also very smart and analytical. Sometimes, however, she likes to go off the cuff in terms of her decision-making, meaning she's likely a Ne dom.

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Overall, she exemplifies ENTP traits without ever stepping too far out of line; she's a responsible, balanced person who cares about others and uses her investigative talents to try and help them.

8 Satoru Gojo Is Sarcastic & Intuitive (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Satoru Gojo arrives on the battlefield (Jujutsu Kaisen).

“My students will either grow up with a sarcastic, dark sense of humor, or they’ll wind up a serial killer team. Either way, I’m excited that I won’t have to bring them to birthday parties.” On Jujutsu Kaisen, Satoru’s take on life is irreverent. He’s got a sense of humor, and the ability to think analytically, even over the long term, but can also be unpredictable.

Where he errs is on the side of arrogance and overconfidence in his abilities as a sorcerer, which leads to being aggressive and domineering.

7 Orochimaru's Goal Is To Gain All Knowledge (Naruto Shippuden)

Young Jonin Orochimaru slightly smiling in Naruto.

Orochimaru, a character from the anime series Naruto Shippuden, is a solid ENTP. His literal goal is to know everything there is to know, but despite that, he still gives off more of a Te vibe than a Ti vibe, at least in terms of his communication skills. Despite valuing intuition over sensing, he doesn't rely on raw judgment to make a decision.

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Overall, he's the confident, self-assured type, never too quick to make a decision but never so slow that he misses out on an opportunity.

6 Saint Germain Pursues His Own Agenda Relentlessly (Castlevania)

st. germain castlevania

Like most ENTP's Saint Germain is on a quest for knowledge, and he'll do anything to get it. In the world of Castlevania, he has an agenda only he is aware of, and pursues it relentlessly, even to the point of killing and blackmailing anyone who gets in his way.

In him, determination has turned to a kind of mania, and he's bent on dragging both Dracula and his wife Lisa from Hell, and then fusing them together inside the Rebis vessel. True to his ulitmate independence, he bails on his own idea at the last minute.

5 Konata Izumi Always Uses Logic (Lucky Star)

konata izumi lucky star

Konata Izumi, one of the main characters in the anime series Lucky Star, is an ENTP if there ever was one.

She tries to use logical reasoning when disagreeing with someone else, and even when arguing with herself; despite her personal convictions, however, she's also very outgoing, enthusiastic, and loyal. In a very real way, she's a textbook example of a Fi blind Te dom.

4 Sanzu Haruchiyo Is A Do-It-My-Way Trailblazer In The Wrong Direction (Tokyo Revengers)

Sanzu Haruchiyo Tokyo Revengers

Sanzu Haruchiyo is a good example of when an ENTP personality can go too far in the wrong direction. He's an independent thinker, one of the key traits of the type, and doesn't hesitate to strike out in his own direction. Even the world of the criminal gangs that he belongs to doesn’t quite know how to handle him.

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That spells a lot of trouble once he's joined Bonten, the criminal organization. He ends up as someone who can kill someone with a smile.

3 Hawks Is Always Analytical, Even In Battle (My Hero Academia)

Hawks _ My Hero Academia

Hawks from My Hero Academia is arguably one of the most fitting examples of an ENTP in anime. While some have claimed he leans more towards being a Fe dom, making him an ENFP, his actions during fights show that he's the inquisitive, analyst type, meaning he's likely a Te dom.

Overall, he's the intelligent, inquisitive type, though he's certainly not introverted, as he prefers to speak up and state his point of view rather than hold it in and let others make the decisions.

2 Izaya Orihara Is A Quick Thinker Who Goes His Own Way (Durarara)

Anime izaya durarara Cropped

Izaya Orihara is the protagonist of the anime Durarara, a series that, by the way, is very well suited towards the ENTP personality type.

He exemplifies ENTP traits often; he performs actions based on their values, and weighs pros and cons before picking a side. He's unafraid of social contact, and because he's a quick thinker, he always knows what to say.

1 Hange Zoe Is A Smart, Confident Leader (Attack On Titan)

Zoe Hange staring off-screen in Attack on Titan

Hange Zoe, from the anime series Attack on Titan, is the smart, confident "leader type", though because she's prone to sharing her feelings with others, she's probably more of a Te dom than a Ti dom, which makes her an ENTP, all things considered.

Based on her performance in the Survey Corps, she seems to be at least at bit confident in her achievements, and she appreciates it when others believe in her as well.

NEXT: Demon Slayer: Which Hero Are You Based On Your MBTI®?