Kiba was a supporting character in Naruto and a member of the Konoha 11. He has been fighting alongside Akamaru since the days of the Chunin Exams, having perfected a number of deadly canine-based attacks. The young ninja even stood out in the Forth Shinobi War for his performance against the Gedo Statue.

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Though far from the most powerful shinobi in Konoha, Kiba's Fang Over Fang jutsu is fast and devastating. By identifying how he would fare against anime characters from other universe, it becomes easier to understand how strong he is by comparison.

10 Could Beat: Guevara's Tactics Don't Work On A High-Speed Opponent (Baki)

guevera baki

Guevara was an extremely powerful martial artist. His signature technique threw off his opponent's sense of balance by inserting a hair into their inner lobe and crushing it.

However, Kiba's Fang Over Fang technique moves much too quickly for Guevara's tactics to be effective. Moreover, his lack of physical strength would put him at a disadvantage since he would be incapable of staving off the shinobi's direct assaults.

9 Would Lose To: Gigantomachia's Strength & Hardening Overshadows Kiba's (My Hero Academia)

Anime Gigantomachia-My Hero Academia

Gigantomachia was a hulking monster in service to All For One. In addition to strength that can shatter skyscrapers, he is also capable of fighting for over one consecutive month without tiring.

Considering that Gigantomachia's quirk provides him with a degree of defense, Kiba's Fang Over Fang attack would not be as effective even if the villain couldn't dodge it. Given how much he struggled to break Sakon/Ukon's barrier, a living wall that can fight back would prove a challenge far too grave for the shinobi to overcome.

8 Could Beat: Ymir Lacks Kiba's Lethality (Attack On Titan)

Ymir as the Jaw Titan

Though the most agile of the series' three Jaw Titans, Ymir lacks more lethality than other shifters. She cannot harden her jaws or claws, which limits how much damage she can do to Kiba. Additionally, Kiba can use his Man Beast transformation ability to become a creature surpassing Ymir in height and potential.

Should he access this form, he wouldn't have to worry about his opponent dodging the Fang Over Fang jutsu in order to defeat her. In the end, Ymir's low lethality and lack of formal training both spell her downfall.

7 Would Lose To: Akira's Stand Counters Kiba In Every Way (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

Akira Jojo

Akira's greatest advantage is that he can control his Stand over a long distance. As a result, the only way Kiba might be able to find its owner is with his superb sense of smell. However, since he has never met Akira before, he wouldn't have a reference as to what he is looking for.

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Since the Stand is able to move as fast as lightning, Kiba won't be able to simply ignore it while focusing on its user. He would likely squander his few seconds of life trying to defeat it directly, only realizing his error all too late.

6 Could Beat: Seryu Ubiquitous Doesn't Have Kiba's Versatility (Akame Ga Kill!)

Like Kiba, Seryu Ubiquitous fights alongside a canine companion. Although he is able to assume a number of shapes (including a beast-like, two legged monster), the two have never displayed the same synergy as their Konoha counterparts.

Considering that Seryu was struck by Mine's highly telegraphed rifle attack, it follows that Kiba's Fang Over Fang would be equally successful. A direct hit effectively ends the fight, as Kiba proved strong enough to crash through nigh indestructible metal gates.

5 Would Lose To: Rui's Webs Make For The Perfect Trap (Demon Slayer)

Rui's threads in Demon Slayer

As one of his universe's most powerful demons, Rui's skills are not to be underestimated. In addition to incredible agility, he is able to create spider webs powerful enough to shred through solid steel.

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Considering Kiba's inexperience with the demon and overconfidence in himself, it's likely that he'd charge headfirst into such trappings. This would inevitably deal fatal injuries, ones that Rui could capitalize on in order to finish the hound shinobi off.

4 Could Beat: Chopper Doesn't Have Any Forms Capable Of Defeating Kiba (One Piece)

Chopper Using muscle point Against the New Fishman Pirates In One Piece

Most of Chopper's points (such as Arm Point, Guard Point, and even Kung Fu Point) are not capable of standing against Kiba's Fang Over Fang or Man-Beast transformation techniques. His only viable option is the Monster Point, which proved devastating enough to defeat a CP9 member with one punch.

Despite having mastered his Monster Point, it still places a tremendous amount of strain on Chopper's body. Kiba would only need to hold off until the doctor wore himself out before going in for the kill.

3 Would Lose To: Bradley's Ultimate Eye Would Determine When & Where To Strike (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Fuhrer King Bradley scowling in Fullmetal Alchemist.

King Bradley was a man of enormous speed and strength. His Ultimate Eye allowed him to perceive and dodge bullets, rendering him capable of avoiding Kiba's jutsu with even greater ease.

Considering that he was strong enough to carve through a tank, it follows that Bradley would have little difficult engaging with Kiba in direct melee combat. He also managed to stave off the entire northern battalion, suggesting that he is capable of fighting multiple opponents at once. Therefore, Akamaru wouldn't be able to assist his master in any substantial way.

2 Could Beat: Charon Is Weak Against Physical Attacks (Fire Force)

charon cultist fire force

Charon's Ignition Ability allowed him to capture and deflect the attacks of his opponents. Though effective fighting the likes of Company Eight, it's virtually useless when pitted against physical force.

Considering that both the Man Beast transformation and Fang Over Fang rely on raw power, Charon has nothing to protect himself from Kiba. Though still a physically imposing man, he would be swept up in the hound shinobi's assault and defeated almost instantly.

1 Would Lose To: Itachi Is Stronger Than Kiba In Every Way (Naruto)

Itachi meeting Kisame for the first time in Naruto.

Itachi has options when defeating Kiba. The clearest route to success is casting a genjutsu on him, which would pacify the ninja long enough for him to deliver a direct attack. He could also contend with the Man Beast transformation from the safety of his Susanoo, cutting it down in a straightforward brawl.

Alternatively, the Akatsuki member could use the amaterasu with the knowledge that Kiba has no way of countering it. The only question regarding a potential fight between Kiba and Itachi is how the former would die.