Kitsunes, or foxes, are surprisingly common in Japanese anime. Whether they're yokai with lovable personalities or literal foxes with magical powers, there's no shortage of intriguing foxes throughout the medium. Though they're all unique and stand out, foxes have a few defining traits. Many of them are sly, cunning, and sarcastic. They're fiercely independent, but could also be excellent companions.

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Some anime fox characters have an extensive roster of abilities, from shapeshifting to generating a toasty fox fire in the palm of their hands. Others are just average foxes with memorable personalities that make them some of anime's best animal companions.

10 Kugen Tenko Is A Metal Fox Deity (Our Home's Fox Deity)

Kugen Tenko from Our Home's Fox Deity.

Kugen Tenko is the protagonist of Our Home's Fox Deity. They're a metal fox yokai who used to protect the Mizuchi family, earning them the nickname "The Kugen Fox of Mizuchi Tenko-sama." Unfortunately, the Water Priest sealed them away because he couldn't tolerate any more of their constant mischief.

They're a powerful fox who's capable of using every spell imaginable. Kugen also has three forms. They can turn into a fox. They also have both a male and female humanoid forms. Despite looking more human in these variations, they always have fox ears.

9 Vulpix Is A Fox Pokémon With Six Tails (Pokémon)

Vulpix standing over a food bowl in Pokémon.

Vulpix is a fox Pokémon with six tails. It's a lovable little creature who was immediately fond of Brock in Pokémon. However, it was always cautious of everyone else except him. Vulpix would even get aggressive with new people occasionally.

Vulpix doesn't like being touched or approached by strangers. Vulpix has an adorable appearance, but looks aren't everything. It's a powerful Pokémon with impressive fire powers. After its debut in Pokémon Fashion Flash, Vulpix quickly became a fan favorite in the series because of its cute appearance and lovable personality.

8 Kokkuri-San Is A Lovable Fox Yokai (Gugure! Kokkuri-San)

Kokkuri-san from Gugure! Kokkuri-san.

In Gugure! Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san is a lovable fox yokai who always looks after Kohina. He was summoned by accident, but stuck around as her legal guardian because she didn't have the best living situation. There are plenty of white-haired fox yokai throughout anime. Still, Kokkuri-san is one of the most memorable because of his unique personality and wholesome connection to Kohina.

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Throughout Gugure! Kokkuri-san, the titular protagonist always takes good care of Kohina. However, fans especially love him because of his hilarious personality quirks, like how sensitive he is about maintaining his luscious fur.

7 Soushi Miketsukami Is The Most Powerful Fox Yokai In His Family (Inu X Boku SS)

Soushi from Inu X Boku SS.

Soushi from Inu X Boku SS is a powerful nine-tailed fox yokai. He's the strongest in his family and currently serves as Ririchiyo's familiar. He has a human form and a yokai form. When he transforms between the two, there's a beautiful explosion of cherry blossoms around him. After that, his snowy white nine-tails and fox ears are fully displayed.

Before meeting Ririchiyo, Soushi was cynical and detached from the world around him. However, he became a most pleasant, optimistic person because of his master's influence.

6 Chizuru Minamoto Is A Yandere Fox Yokai (Kanokon)

Chizuru Minamoto from Kanokon.

Kanokon's Chizuru Minamoto may look like an average teenager, but she's a 400-year-old five-tailed fox yokai. She's also a classic yandere and obsessed with Kouta, her crush.

Chizuru can switch between her fox or human form whenever she wants. Though she has her yokai powers in her human form, her fox form is when they're the strongest. She can produce blue fox flames and merge with Kouta by kissing him. In her human form, she has black hair. In her fox form, however, she has long blonde hair.

5 Sketchy Is A Spunky Fox Who Can Skateboard (Sk8 The Infinity)

Sketchy from Sk8 The Infinity after kicking Reki and Langa with miniature skateboards.

Sketchy is a spunky little fennec fox who lives at Dope Sketch in Sk8 The Infinity. Since Reki and Langa work at the skate shop where he lives, fans have seen a lot of Sketchy's personality.

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Sketchy is always curious, but he prefers keeping to himself. When the guys are hard at work, he'll follow them around and watch what they're doing. When Sketchy gets bored, he'll go to sleep. Sketchy also has a bit of an attitude problem. When Reki and Langa gave him a pair of miniature decks to skate on, he got bored and kicked them back in their faces. He also bites people after meeting them for the first time.

4 Yoko Kurama Is A Red-Haired Fox Yokai (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Kurama in Yu Yu Hakusho.

Yu Yu Hakusho's Yoko Kurama is a red-haired fox yokai. He is the reincarnation of a devious fox who led a group of thieves in the underworld. He got killed in the spirit world in the middle of a robbery.

After reincarnation, Kurama feels he must protect Yusuke, Kuwabara, Genkai, and Hiei. He particularly respects Yusuke because of how much they've been through together. Kurama's weapon of choice is an aesthetically pleasing whip that looks like a thorny rose. It poisons his opponents upon impact.

3 Shippo Is A Short Fox Yokai (Inuyasha)

Shippo from Inuyasha

Shippo from Inuyasha is a short fox yokai with plenty of interesting powers and magical weapons. He can shapeshift, generate fox fire, slow down the aging process, and use fox magic. He can make magical kitsune tools and even produce fire bombs.

Shippo might be a yokai, but his soul isn't hardened to the world's ways. He has a pure spirit, so he's immune to corruption. Shippo would do anything to protect his comrades and has the unwavering resolve to accomplish whatever he puts his mind towards.

2 Tomoe Is A Wild Fox Turned Diligent Familiar (Kamisama Kiss)

Tomoe smiling at Nanami in Kamisama Kiss.

Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss is a charming fox yokai. Before becoming the familiar of the Mikage Shrine, Tomoe used to be a wild fox who ran around wreaking chaos on Japan with Akura-ou. However, he's significantly mellowed out, and now the highlight of his day is keeping the shrine in pristine condition.

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Tomoe is a very organized guy who likes to run his day on a strict schedule, often lashing out at Nanami and Mizuki for slacking off on their duties. Tomoe has a sarcastic sense of humor and always has a sharp one-liner for every situation.

1 Kurama Is The Nine-Tailed Fox (Naruto)

Kurama from Naruto loose and on a rampage

Naruto's Kurama is potentially anime's most famous fox character. He's one of the nine-tailed beasts who was sealed inside Naruto Uzumaki. Unlike his ever-optimistic host, Kurama has a bitter, cynical worldview and utterly despises everything. Kurama was always treated terribly by humanity, so his hostility is understandable. He hated people indiscriminately.

However, Naruto's unwavering positive attitude changed Kurama's perspective. Kurama slowly stopped hating the world and began to empathize with humanity. Kurama began using his immense power to save the planet and help the people he once hated.

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