Movies are not meant to last forever. As must as creators and producers may want their films to be timeless, it is just impossible for that to be the case. As times change, movies lose value and no longer relate to current times. Looking at the story, acting, and effects, certain movies fall short while trying to stand the test of time.

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Some action movies age well, while others age rather poorly. The acting will show its true colors, the story will become outdated, and the effects no longer dazzle audiences. These may not be noticeable when the movie is first released, but a second look will reveal otherwise. Time shines a light on movies, uncovering their flaws.

Updated by Lauren Turner on December 17, 2022: Some movies meet great reception upon their release, only to be viewed more critically as the years go by. Action movie buffs will always be interested in titles like this, so we've revamped this list with even more information.


Clash of the Titans was an attempt to remake the beloved '80s version. However, time has continuously shown how poor filmmaking choices can lead to an unsuccessful movie. The 2010 remake had a noteworthy cast, a story, and the budget to make it all come to life. Despite having Liam Neeson and other star actors, the acting didn't impress.

Clash of the Titans had a decent budget, but not enough went into the effects, makeup, or wardrobe. In ancient times, warriors probably weren't wearing standard T-shirts under their metal armor. Most mythology fans knew of the hatred between Hades and his brother, Zeus. Yet throughout Clash of the Titans, Hades repeatedly defended Zeus' statues.

9 Face/Off Is Nothing To Rave About Anymore


Face/Off was well-liked and raved about after its release. As time passed, the film no longer held up the way it once did. Similarly, two well-known actors couldn't save this movie. In the 90s, Face/Off performed rather well, received multiple awards, and was even nominated for an Oscar.

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Face/Off had a plot that focused on revenge, with a poor, cliché storyline. The film was full of drawn-out action scenes and cringe-worthy acting. The movie also had numerous plot holes, with the biggest one being how Castor Troy (Nicolas Cage) and Sean Archer (John Travolta) swapped faces and magically swapped bodies. All these plot holes were brushed aside during the movie's initial hype. Nowadays, it's easy to call Face/Off an enjoyably bad action movie.

8 Tropic Thunder Proved To Be A Controversial Comedy


Tropic Thunder received countless positive reviews at the time of its release, leading some to turn a blind eye to its controversial aspects. Between the blackface character and the use of an offensive word, it's no surprise that this movie aged poorly. Due to the movie's success, few viewers questioned these issues at first.

The most obvious controversy concerned Robert Downey Jr.'s blackface character, for which he later received an Oscar. Tropic Thunder didn't stop there, as it repeatedly used the word "ret**d" throughout the film. This led to disability rights groups calling for a boycott of the film. Tropic Thunder was meant to shine a light on Hollywood excessiveness through the means of satire. Instead, the movie offended viewers and didn't hold up the way it once did.

7 Batman & Robin Disappointed Fans


Batman & Robin was a disappointment in the '90s, and time didn't make things any better. It was possibly one of the worst Batman movies. The cast was full of big-name actors with good track records, but that added little value to the film. George Clooney might not have been the best Batman, but he made a decent Bruce Wayne, at the very least.

Batman & Robin comprised two hours of overrated, flashy content. What hurt this film most was the poor writing. Filmmakers tried to cover up the mediocre script by focusing more on the sets, costumes, makeup, and props, which were done rather well. Batman & Robin attempted to distract viewers from the tangled story and sub-par acting with large, drawn-out action scenes. This resulted in fans viewing the film as a comedy rather than the action movie it was meant to be.

6 I Am Legend Had A Great Start, But A Terrible Ending


I Am Legend received many positive reviews when it was first released. Will Smith played his role well enough to hold the audience's attention, but the story left them with mixed feelings and unanswered questions.

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I Am Legend had an unsuccessful turning point toward the end, which many called the "collapse" of the film. Throughout the film, viewers felt that Robert (Will Smith) was the hero, but after the film's turning point, viewers began siding with the mutants. The original ending proved confusing, but the alternate ending allowed for closure among fans.

5 300 Is A Movie Of The Past


In 2006, 300 performed rather well among audiences. When compared to other historical action films that followed, 300 couldn't compete. The movie had no plot, limited content, zero historical accuracies, and was overflowing with toxic masculinity.

The outrageous battle scenes were fun to watch, but they offered nothing more. There was no loss or give, and every blow made by the Spartans was devastating. In order for the characters to grow, they needed some significant loss. Unfortunately, 300 had little of this.

4 Spider-Man 3 Is A Disappointing End To A Well-Liked Trilogy


Spider-Man 3 has gone downhill since its release in 2007, effectively leaving the franchise in the cold. The two biggest issues were the film's introduction of Venom and its odd storyline. Venom is one of the most iconic Marvel villains Spider-Man faces.

However, Venom received minimal screen time and poor CGI effects. The limited screen time and bizarre storyline made it difficult for Topher Grace to portray his characters the way they deserved. On the other hand, the storyline took several odd turns by having three separate stories intertwined into one.

3 2012 Was A Disaster Of A Movie


2012 was simply another end-of-the-world film. Created to showcase how the world was predicted to end in the year 2012, the movie was full of plot holes and disasters. Additionally, the story itself meets disaster after the first crisis strikes, causing the plot to get lost in the action scenes.

The number of plot holes made 2012 more hectic than it already was. There were multiple scenes where it is the same time of day across the world as it is in Washington, D.C. The plot holes didn't stop there, as John Cusack's character was always next to an alternative means of transportation. In the end, time proved 2012 far more over the top than succeeding disaster films.

2 Limitless Had An Odd Concept


Limitless performed well during its opening weekend, but modern audiences have noticed some issues. The concept of the movie details how a pill unlocks 100% of the user's brain. However, humans do, in fact, use 100% of their brains over the course of their day, just not simultaneously. This was repeatedly proven prior to the film's release.

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Aside from the odd concept in Limitless, Bradley Cooper's character consistently narrates the events throughout the film. The narration serves no real purpose. Narration typically adds some insight to the movie itself, but the additional dialogue for Limitless describes what the viewer is already watching.

1 Mortal Kombat: Annihilation Is The Worst Mortal Kombat Film


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation has only gotten worse since its release in 1997. The film is quite possibly the most cringe-worthy action movie ever produced. Among its issues, the filmmakers introduced too many new characters at once in an attempt to appeal to Mortal Kombat fans.

Including too many new characters gave Mortal Kombat: Annihilation an overstuffed and rushed feel. This resulted in scenes that were just plain laughable. The CGI effects didn't help the movie either. A simple pause in the movie will show an odd line around characters left over from poor green screen editing. Time only highlighted these mistakes.

NEXT: 10 Great Sci-Fi Movies With Terrible Endings