Here is the latest in our year-long look at one cool comic (whether it be a self-contained work, an ongoing comic or a run on a long-running title that featured multiple creative teams on it over the years) a day (in no particular order whatsoever)! Here's the archive of the moments posted so far!

Today we continue a multi-part look at the various notable recurring features in Strange Adventures over the years - today we spotlight Chris KL-99!


Captain Comet was not the ONLY Strange Adventures featured character who was roughly based on Edmund Hamilton's Captain Future (which, of course, was not actually CREATED by Hamilton, as you can read about here).

No, in the very first issue of Strange Adventures (heck, the very first STORY in the very first issue!) we meet Chris KL-99, courtesy of none other than Edmund Hamilton himself!

Hamilton would go on to write every one of Chris KL-99's Strange Adventures stories, along with artwork by Howard Sherman.

Like Captain Future, Chris KL-99 was an explorer.

Here, let's see how Hamilton and Sherman introduced him to us...

You have got to love the fact that all of these people are only in the 21st Century.

In any event, Chris also had a chameleon dog!!! How awesome is a chameleon dog?!?

The explorer set-up was great for Hamilton, as it allowed him to basically go nuts with inventive new worlds for Chris and his friends to explore.

Sometimes there were multiple amazing ideas in the span of a PAGE!!

But there was more to the stories than just exploring, of course...

Sherman was a good artist.

Finally, Hamilton out of nowhere pulls off an amazing little bit of character development with this tale from one of the later Chris KL-99 stories in Strange Adventures (there were about 8 stories in total, #1-3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15)...

That's some pretty heavy stuff for an early 1950s DC comic book story!

Chris KL-99 is another character who really is ripe for a comeback!