Ain't It Cool News has a tidbit from a British interview with actor Vinnie Jones, who talked about the hours of makeup, some quips he'd made and how his screen time was limited but crucial.


According to Superhero Hype, actress Lena Headey will play the role of Queen Gorgo in the Frank Miller adaptation. "I just wear very little," she said, "And they go off to war and I'm sort of left holding the political court as they f**k off and fight. Basically, she's in over her head, so she sort of deals with the back home malarkey. I think it's wrapped, so that the boys can get back in their clothes."

BIGFOOTHollywood North Report is claiming that Rogue Pictures has optioned the Steve Niles/Richard Corben version of "Bigfoot," published through IDW. "The whole reason Rob and I created the 'Bigfoot' comic," Niles said, "and now the film, is to undo the damage done by movies like 'Harry And The Hendersons' that made 'Bigfoot' a silly character. I've always found the idea of Bigfoot to be scary. I hope the film reflects that."


Producer Al Gough is feeling loquacious, giving interviews to both Kryptonsite and Television Without Pity. Meanwhile, Kryptonsite also has a gallery of screen captures from the trailer to next week's 100th episode, "Reckoning."


Happy birthday to me. Here's where you get in on the action. Did you see a link we didn't catch? Have you snuck into a closed movie set, and have inside data? Maybe your cousin is dating somebody who knows something, and they had to tell you? Whatever it is, we wanna know it all -- fire off an email and let us know whether you want your name used or your contributions to geekdom to go down anonymously. Broadcasting live from Los Angeles, this is novelist/reviewer/karaoke host/all-around lunatic Hannibal Tabu saying thanks for your time and indulgence, anedge hirak Wilson Pickett, I've been told you will see this week's comics reviews online by 7PM EST, and [tagline sent back to development hell until something hipper can be dreamed up].