Each day in June you'll get an entry showing you the first appearance of seemingly minor characters, phrases, objects or events that later became notable parts of comic book lore. Not major stuff like "the first appearance of Superman," but rather, "the first time someone said, 'Avengers Assemble!'" or "the first appearance of Batman's giant penny" or "the first appearance of Alfred Pennyworth" or "the first time Spider-Man's face was shown half-Spidey/half-Peter." Stuff like that. Here is an archive of what I've featured so far.

Today is a day of births!


Franklin Richards' birth is too famous for this bit. So here are some slightly less celebrated comic book births...

First appearance/birth of Aquababy

Even before there was Franklin Richards, there was Aquababy!

1965's Aquaman #23 is a weird comic book. In the beginning of the issue, we learn that Mera is pregnant...

Aquaman and Aqualad then go off on a quest to find a serum that will save Mera and the baby...

By the middle of the issue, Mera gives birth (this is all in one issue!)...

Things get weird after this (when Aquababy's powers manifest), but that's another story!


First appearance/birth of Luna

Crystal and Quicksilver's baby had a fairly drama-free delivery in 1982's Fantastic Four #240 (it is good to know that both Reed Richards and Stephen Strange - who delivered Scarlet Witch's babies - can deliver babies)...


First appearance/birth of Aleea Strange

The 1990 three-book Adam Strange mini-series was not poorly written in a vacuum, but as an Adam Strange story it really did not work (Mark Waid later did an absolutely brilliant job of explaining it all away in the pages of JLA).

In any event, a doctor from Earth gets stuck on Rann and is helping Alanna give birth along with Alanna's mother...

Adam (who was about to go off and do hero stuff when he realizes his place is with Alanna) returns only to find bad news...

Alanna's mom seems way too serene. I guess it could be shock.


Feel free to send in ideas for future debuts I should feature here to bcronin@comicbookresources.com!