Towards the end of Wednesday night's fun finale of the Arrow, the CW debuted their promo for the new Flash series that is coming to the CW on Tuesday nights this Fall.

I really liked it. I love how they are making Barry Allen a joyful character. It is a smart choice and it is very impressive to see how they're willing to avoid using the same tone for all of their series. Where Arrow can successfully pull off the darker vibe (although, as this season shows, he can also pull off the heroic vibe, as well), that's not Barry Allen - not even with his new, darker origins courtesy of Flash Rebirth. And the producers are not going that route, which is great. Plus, isn't it nice to see someone ENJOYING having superpowers? It really captures the unique appeal of HAVING powers like the Flash's if the hero himself is pumped about his powers.

And the costume looks okay so far!