The big reveal happens after the staple in this issue, and honestly, it sucks. No, the Titans didn't actually die and what's more, Jericho isn't even fighting Deathstroke for the first half of this issue. In case you didn't tune in for the previous reviews, or found a better way to spend your comic budget over the past two months, Jericho is crazy. Vigilante wants to take him down because he's crazy. The Titans think he's redeemable.

Maybe I'm a little off here, but it seems to me as though Raven's powers are stretched in this story. I do not recall her having the ability to project telepathic imagery on such a large scale. Some of the other characters finally act like themselves, from Starfire's rashness in trying to find Jericho at the end, to Flash actually moving fast once the characters (or the writer and editor) finally wake up.

Lyle and Hanna's art, while effective and dynamic, is also slightly dated. I cannot put my finger on the root cause, maybe it's Baron's colors, or maybe it's the penchant of Lyle and Hanna to incorporate significant detail in the background, but the book has a 1990s sensibility to it. It just doesn't feel like a modern book.

This story manages to wrap up almost a year of Titans-related insanity, which has been blamed on Jericho, but which I believe stems from elsewhere. Hopefully DC can put this mess behind them and really make something significant out of the Titans universe. The final payoff in this book is something that makes sense considering the characters in play, but for a story titled "Deathtrap," the lack of finality is noteworthy and almost laughable. Unfortunately, Jericho is left in a state where he could once more become a menace, if for no other reason than the fact that DC seems intent on recycling characters and concepts a little too long.

I understand DC's perceived need to market this event and goose sales for both of the Titans titles as well as this book, but I think it would be in everyone's best interest if these books were finally given room to grow and develop on their own. "Titans" (and "Teen Titans") need to decide what they want to be and take those steps. "Vigilante" needs to start moving forward or it won't be able to celebrate a twelfth issue.