Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada appeared on CNN's "American Morning" on Friday to discuss "Amazing Spider-Man" #583, the upcoming issue featuring U.S. President Elect Barack Obama. Referencing Obama's previously established credentials as a Spidey fan, Obama told CNN's Alina Cho that the incoming Commander-and-Chief is "actually the future Nerd-and-Chief. We have a geek in the White House!"Written by Zeb Wells with artwork by Todd Nauck and Frank D'Armata, "Amazing Spider-Man" #583 features Peter Parker covering Obama's inauguration in Washington, D.C., and depicts Spider-Man and Obama sharing a fist-pound. Asked what President Elect Obama could learn from Spider-Man, "No matter how great his powers are, those things don't necessarily cure your day to day problems. You always have to remember where you come from and who you are."The soon to be sworn in Obama has already had quite an impact in several comic book universes. He's been endorsed by Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon, had his own biography comic, was baited by Stephen Colbert with an autographed issue of "Amazing Spider-Man" featuring the conservative talk show host, and even peppered his own speech at the Al Smith Dinner in October with comics and pop culture references.