SPOILER WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for "Ultimates 2" #3, on sale now.

Enter: the In-Betweener

The In-Betweener is a cosmic being created by Chaos and Order to embody endless opposing ideas all at once in one being. As Ewing explains, the In-Betweener's main task is to "personify -- and maintain -- the delicate balance between order and chaos."


Enter: Order and Chaos

Order, notably deranged, confronts the In-Betweener and explains that the cosmic entity will serve as the catalyst for Chaos and Order's merger. Now, where there was once three cosmic beings, there will now be one -- one that will serve as the replacement for the all-powerful Living Tribunal in the new cosmic order.

Enter: Logos

It's possible that Logos is named after the Greek philosophical idea of the same name, which is used to define the specific logic that backs up an argument. More likely, however, is that the being is named after the Christian theological concept of Logos, which is the belief that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all equals and that Jesus is himself God. Since Marvel's Logos is also made up of three combined cosmic beings, that definition seems apt -- and also ups the expectations considerably for this new God-like cosmic being.


Of course, there's also the possibility that the character is the official replacement for the Living Tribunal, another character who has always been presented with a three-faced head, each face representing a specific concept (Equity - visible face, Vengeance - partially covered face, and "Necessity - fully covered face).

What we know for certain is, a mere three issues into the second volume of Ewing's "Ultimates," the landscape of Marvel's cosmic order has been drastically changed. Galactus is the Lifebringer, Eternity is still in chains, the Living Tribunal is dead, and Order, Chaos and the In-Betweener have all merged to form a new lawmaker called Logos.

On top of all that, there's the matter of the Inhuman precognitive Ulysses, who ascended from his Earthly origin into something beyond comprehension at the conclusion of "Civil War II" #8. Ulysses' new role in the cosmic order remains unclear, but he was recruited by Eternity. Where he fits into this new hierarchy, or if he will even appear in "Ultimates 2," remains unknown.

"Ultimates 2" #4 arrives in stores on February 15.