Here is an archive of all the past top five lists I've one over the years.

Let's take a look at the top five "fastball specials" pulled off by Wolverine and Colossus of the X-Men!

5. X-Men #100

The very first fastball special! Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum delivered this one, which oddly enough never showed what happened AFTER Wolverine is thrown at Angel. They're all just shown later in the comic, so I guess Angel just moved out of the way or something like that?

4. X-Men #114

This bit by Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin was the first time that Byrne and Austin drew the fastball special together, and it's an all together awesome sequence...

3. X-Men #137

This one turned the tactic around in a very clever fashion. This one has a strong case to be #2 on the list, but I just couldn't bring myself to use a non "Colossus throwing Wolverine" one for #2. In any event, to set the scene, the X-Men are fighting the Imperial Guard on the moon for the fate of Jean Grey (or at least who they think is Jean Grey). They get their butts kicked, but in the process, Jean turns into DARK Phoenix again, and for the third issue in a row, the X-Men try to take out their own teammate. Since they are on the moon, they are working with less gravity, and thus Wolverine is able to reverse the fastball special trick with Colossus...

I liked that Colossus couldn't do it. Good character work there. He can kill if necessary, but not a friend like this.

2. Uncanny X-Men #142

This fastball special did not turn out so well in the end, but it is also part of one of the most famous scenes in X-Men history. Part of "Days of Future Past" by John Byrne, Chris Claremont and Terry Austin, future Colossus and future Wolverine try out the fastball special one last time...

1. Astonishing X-Men #6

Joss Whedon and John Cassaday had just brought Colossus back from the dead when the villain of the story arc seemingly got away along with a young mutant hostage. Not so fast...

Damn, Cassaday, you're giving me goosebumps over here!

Okay, that's the list! Agree? Disagree? Let me know!