Earlier this year, rock-star astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson calculated the weight of Thor's hammer at 4.5 quadrillion pounds -- roughly the same as 300 billion elephants -- only for his comic-book knowledge to be called into question by another scientist, who pointed out that Mjolnir is forged out of fictional metal Uru and not neutron-star matter.

And now the hammer is in the scientific spotlight once again, but not for its weight or composition, but rather for its violation of the laws of physics.

You see, Wired's Angry Nerd takes umbrage with Thor's use of Mjolnir as his primary mode of transportation. "Whoever's in charge of aeronautics fact-checking at Marvel, you should know that every time hammer travel happens, Isaac Newton spins in his grave ... and generates plenty of angular momentum while he's at it," he says in the latest video, below.

So what's the solution? Why, a return to the character's mythological roots!

"If Marvel were serious about this," Angry Nerd declares, "they'd stick to how Thor actually travels in Norse mythology: in a cart, pulled by his goats Tanngrisnir the Tooth-Gnasher and Tanngnjóstr the Tooth-Grinder, who Thor slaughters every night for dinner and resurrects the next morning."