Welcome to our weekly gallery of amazing art by our great collection of artistic talent, all working from YOUR suggestions!

Go follow Comics Should Be Good on Twitter (if you have Twitter, that is - if you don't, you can go sign up). Here is our Twitter page... http://twitter.com/csbg. And here are the Comics Should Be Good writers who are on Twitter (the links go to the person's Twitter account) - myself, Greg Hatcher, Chad Nevett, Kelly Thompson, Bill Reed, Greg Burgas and Sonia Harris

I update the blog's Twitter account updates whenever a new post is put up on the blog, so it's an easy way to keep up with the blog. In addition, I post new content on the blog's Twitter account.

Now on to the bit!

So every week, I ask a question here. You reply to it on our Twitter page (just write @csbg with your reply) and our artists will each pick one of your suggestions and I will post their drawings based on your suggestions here every week. So every week you will have a new question and you will see the choices picked from the previous week. Here is an archive of all the previous editions of The Line It Is Drawn!

To qualify, you have to be following us when you reply - so go follow us and then give your answer to the following question/challenge (All suggestions due by 3pm Pacific Friday).

The topic for the next Line is...

In honor of Fourth of July weekend next week, have a superhero team up with a famous person from United States history. Captain America and Theodore Roosevelt, Cable and Johnny Appleseed, etc.

Read on for the drawings that came about courtesy of the last question/challenge!

With Marvel doing Civil War II currently and the now-announced Clone Conspiracy storyline, suggest a famous comic book storyline that you'd like to see a sequel to


I'll put them in alphabetical order based on the name of the Twitter user who made the suggestion (one notable exception this week).

All copyright and trademarks of the following characters are held by their respective owners! Click on any image to enlarge it!

NOTE: Before we begin, a few folks have asked me how Caanan Grall is doing. Well, just last week (after last week's Line went up, or else I would have posted this then) he announced that his surgery went well and he is doing about as well as could be expected a month later. He's back home and he's back to doing his freelance art work, so while obviously everything is not perfect, he is pretty much living his normal life once again, which is excellent news. We're all pulling for you, Caanan!

werehawk1 suggested

Old Woman Munroe

The art for this one is by Dan Hogan. His website is here.

24panels suggested

Secret Invasion 2: Lucasfilm Invades the Marvel Universe.

Axel Medellin drew this one. His website is here

EnglishmanSDCC suggested

Kraven's Last Hunt.

The art for this one is by Conan Sinclair. His website is here.

keath suggested

Kingdom Come Again? (as in "Wha? I can't hear you. Speak up, sonny."

Nick Perks is the artist for this one. Here is his website.

KeithAlanMorgan suggested

Frog Thor... now with more frog heroes!

The art for this one is by Matt Sandbrook. His website is here.

KeithAlanMorgan suggested

Born Again Again

Chaz is the artist on this one.

therealAstrozac suggested

A third installment of Batman Long Halloween and Dark Victory

This one was drawn by Mathieu Parent. Here is his website.

werehawk1 suggested

Old Man Parker

The art for this one is by David Jacob Duke. His website is here.