Here's the latest of the daily voting threads for The Greatest ____ Stories Ever Told!

Today we have Alex Ross

Alex Ross is one of the most acclaimed comic book artists of our generation, winning about nine thousand Eisner Awards in just the past twenty years alone (or something like that. I might be exaggerating). You all know his work, you don't need me to spell it out for you.

You have until 11:59 PM Pacific time, April 28th to vote for your top ten favorite comic book stories written, co-written or drawn by Alex Ross. Your choices will be revealed on April 29th.

You vote by sending your top ten choices to (make the subject heading clear that it is about The Greatest Alex Ross Stories Ever Told Voting) by that time (you send your votes by e-mail, not in the comments to this piece). If you legitimately don't think you can think of ten stories, I'll still allow the ballot if you can think of at least six stories.

Be sure to first click here to read about the rules and guidelines for the voting (so you don't vote for stuff that is ineligible, like you have to vote for Earth X, Universe X and Paradise X as three separate stories).

I'd prefer you not share your votes in the comments section - please let's keep it a surprise until the results go up. You can share your votes then if you'd like! In addition, as a general rule for all of these polls, don't be a jerk about the creator in question in the comments. If you don't like the creator, fair enough, don't vote. No snarky comments about the creator. I'll be deleting comments like that.

Have fun voting and be sure to check back April 29th to see the results!