Things That Turned Out Bad


An image from Moon Knight's depiction in the Who's Who of the Marvel Universe.
Moon Knight's First Solo Comic Had a Very Problematic Early Marvel LGBTQ Character

Moon Knight's first solo comic book also had one of Marvel's earliest LGTBQ characters and it was not handled well at all.

A Forgotten Batman and Peacemaker Villain Has a Problematic Legacy

In their latest look at bad comic book ideas, CSBG looks at the problematic "Yellow Peril" Batman and Peacemaker villain, Dr. Tzin-Tzin.

Tom and Jerry: When Tom Went Solo in the Golden Age, It Got Seriously Problematic

In their latest look at comic plots that were probably a mistake, CSBG spotlights a problematic Tom the Cat solo story by the great John Stanley.

DC's First Hispanic Superhero Was a Bit of an Embarrassment

In their latest look at comic plots that were probably a mistake, CSBG spotlights the embarrassing Golden Age superhero, The Whip.

Doctor Droom from Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics' Ill-Considered Origin of Doctor Droom

In their latest look at comic plots that were probably a mistake, CSBG spotlights the superhero who gains powers by turning Asian.

The Disappointing Way That Black Manta's Autism Was Handled

In their latest look at comic plots that were probably a mistake, CSBG spotlights the strange way that Black Manta's autism was handled.

That Time Jimmy Olsen 'Hilariously' Slapped His Girlfriend Around

In their latest look at comic stories that probably shouldn't have been made, CSBG examines the time that Jimmy Olsen accidentally abusing his girlfriend was played for laughs.

Things That Turned Out Bad - Did She Really Just Kill That Guy With Her You-Know-What?!

In their latest look at bad comic book ideas, CSBG looks at the story of Cinder of the Titans, who killed using a delicate part of her body...

Things That Turned Out Bad - That Time Marvel Compared Japanese Internment Camps to Spider-Man's Secret Identity

In their latest spotlight on comic book plots that were a bad idea at the time and have aged even worse, CSBG looks at the Civil War tie-in story that compared Spider-Man debating whether to reveal his secret identity to Japanese-Americans being put into internment camps

Things That Turned Out Bad - Marvel's Strange Celebration of the First Martin Luther King Day

In their latest spotlight on comic book plots that didn't work out too well, CSBG looks at Marvel's first "celebration" of Martin Luther King Day
