Commenting stuff following jumping thing

Woah. Action? Running? Not just standing around being scared? Holy crap! Now we’re getting somewhere!


Or is it. Could be a sasquatch. Bigfoot’s got a might big range. Dude gets around.

Sorry, it’s hard for me to get in the space of being serious and insightful. Just spent a little more than an hour being interviewed by Paula B. for and I think I used up all my serious writer talk about the medium. The interview will be going up sometime in August. I’ll let you all know when that goes up so you can spend an hour listening to me tell prose writers about the difference between that and writing for comics.

Okay, page 12. Ah, I do that “overlapping narration/dialogue” thing again. See that? I kinda like it still. Makes the panels seem less like isolated moments cut off from one another and more like continuous and flowing time. That panel with Collins and the wolf facing one another still knocks me out. I loved it the second I saw it.

Sure, the wolf is HUGE. Bulked out like Banner on Gamma Rays, big and imposing. Sure, he’s actually on the skinny, THE HOWLING side of the werewolf spectrum, but we get a shot of how Collins being all jacked up on adrenalin and fear actually SEES him. Go comics, you go.

Notice that Collins isn’t all “That was a goddamn werewolf and I know that the best way to kill a goddamn werewolf is with some goddammn silver bullets, end of story.” He doesn’t know what he just saw and took a shot at. He’s still not buying into Webster’s story (which Webster himself seems to believe a little too deeply in.)

Okay, breaktime next week. Everyone’s going to be at SDCC and on Twitter (remember, you can follow me at highway_62 on Twitter, where some wry observations may emerge from the show floor and you can have fun at other people’s expense along with me) so there’s no reason to update pages until I get back.

See y’all then. Have a real cool time.