So yesterday was Hourly Comic Day. A few artists attempted the challenge, and their updates showed up regularly in my Twitter feed and Facebook timeline.  Maybe the most interesting and accomplished artist to do one this year is Rob Davis, the editor of the format-busting award-winning anthology Nelson, and a man you can trust to adapt one of the high points of world literature and make a damned good fist of it.  The nature of the Hourly Comic project means you read one of these things not expecting much — it's always going to be self-reflexive, a strip doomed to be about a day spent drawing a strip — but if anyone can elevate the form, it'll be Davis.  He's posting his work throughout the day over at his blog, Dinlos and Skilldos.

More artists' Hourly Comics are aggregated here. A clearly distressed and in pain Richard Bruton of the FPI blog links to Rob's and a couple of other UK ones here, bless 'im.