Wired's Underwire blog has an exclusive excerpt of Alan Moore's introduction to the Occupy Comics anthology, titled "Buster Brown at the Barricades," along with a bit of background on his involvement. Here's the first paragraph to whet your appetite:

The field of comics, formerly regarded as a more insidious threat to young minds and public morality than syphilis, has currently attained a level of propriety which it seems anxious to maintain. Having at last apparently become a critically-accepted and occasionally lucrative component of the entertainment industry, the comic-book is keen to foster its new image of social responsibility (and economic viability) with a bombardment of admiring quotes and press-release-derived puff pieces in the media.

Moore isn't having any; his essay chronicles the long history of comics as an underground medium, used by common people and revolutionaries alike to take jabs at The Man. It's incredibly interesting and well worth reading. The essay appears in the final Occupy Comics anthology, set for release in the spring.