Poor Persons Unknown. Not content with moving the show through Monday timeslots, from 10pm to 8pm, without warning, now NBC have scheduled the remaining episodes of the series to run on Saturdays, starting July 17th. Of course, when you look at the ratings, you can kind of understand why.

TV By The Numbers notes that Monday's episode of the Prisoner meets Big Brother series - which I admit to really enjoying - was the least-watched episode yet, with audiences falling 11%, meaning that the majority of people didn't get to see the addition of Battlestar Galactica's Kandyse McClure to the cast. Between this and ABC yanking Happy Town off mid-run (The final episodes are available online now, by the way), it's been a rough summer season for new shows. Here's hoping that fall is much kinder. Or, perhaps, that the shows are much more resilient.