It's no secret that actor/comedian Patton Oswalt is not only a big fan of comic books and science fiction but also a serious "Star Wars" devotee. His is, after all, the guy who improvised an insanely epic pitch for a "Star Wars"/Marvel Universe crossover on an episode of "Parks & Recreation." But what are his thoughts on "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"?

Conan O'Brien asked posed the question to Oswalt last night, and received as a response a hilarious analogy that may hit home with some longtime fans of the saga.

"'Star Wars' Episode IV, V and VI -- the first ones -- those were your 1970s, drinking, snorting-coke buddies," he explained. "You got together, had fun, you got hookers together -- they were great. Then they sobered up, started getting into, like, government, how does Congress work, and got a little libertarian on you, started lecturing you about how, 'Well, there's actually these midi-chlorians, and I'm trying to eat healthier.' And then you're like, 'Wait, what happened? I thought ... swords, cut monsters' heads off?'

"And now, it's like they've gone through an ugly divorce, and they're like, 'Let's get coke and go drinking again, man.' That's what 'The Force Awakens' is."

Watch the full clip below.