The final issue of "O.M.A.C." closes one chapter in the life of Kevin Kho, but opens up a whole new world of possibilities, as final issues of comic book series properly should. Omactivating one final time, Kevin comes to grips with the true nature of his relationship with Brother Eye.

Keith Giffen and Dan DiDio jam a little too much into this final issue, laying an oral history of Kevin Kho over the story proper. The two stories have points where they intersect, but Kevin's background adds to the work DiDio and Giffen pour into setting up future storylines for O.M.A.C., Maxwell Lord and Sarge Steel, while concluding the chapters (for now) featuring Cadmus and Brother Eye. Kevin's disbelief at the string of events in this issue would almost certainly mirror those of any reader. Some might be more cheerful, others more dour, but there is no disputing that the emotions and thoughts Kevin expresses in this comic book are real.

Opening with a dynamic splash page and a double-page spread, the final installment of "O.M.A.C." presents some spectacular visuals. O.M.A.C. brawls with several soldiers and Kirby-inspired monsters. Giffen uses deceptively simple breakdowns to tell the story, but those breakdowns, like the style Giffen uses are in reality a glorious tribute to the work of Jack Kirby and to comic books of the Silver Age in a broader sense. Koblish's inks are strong, helping Giffen's characters pop and giving the settings bulk, detail and texture. Travis Lanham rounds out the classically contemporary comic visuals with solid lettering all the way through. Brother Eye's word balloons read like metallic echoes while O.M.A.C.'s balloons have power and resonance behind them.

This series was fun in its attempts to expand the DC Universe beyond the standard issue capes and tights. It is that very attempt to get outside the Mother Box -- even though DiDio and Giffen did so in a manner that reverentially updated beloved concepts and characters from yesteryear -- that fought against this series. O.M.A.C. as a concept is one that was only ever marginally appreciated, but to make it something completely different from any recognizable predecessor undermined any true chance of success, especially when set against fifty-one other comics from DC and a multitude of new books from across the comics landscape. From start to finish, however, this comic maintained an air of fun, adventure and absolute uncertainty. It's just a shame that it had to quickly wrap up as the series was truly hitting its stride.