All this month I'll be reviewing different comic books by female creators, based on submissions from the actual creators of the comic books themselves. Here's a list of all the books featured so far this month.

We begin the month with Merrily Duffy's Stars-N-You #1...

The concept behind this comic is that a fairy comes to a young man in his dreams and compels him to change his routine that day, which will lead to changes in the young man's life...

What I think Duffy really nails is the FEELING of being a young guy trying to find a band in Seattle, while also, at the same time, essentially trying to find his path in life.

The fairy's advice soon pays off as he runs into a guy with a band...

However, he soon finds that this will cause problems for him at work, as his boss used to be in the band with Rain. Leroy's co-worker Patrick is likely Leroy's best friend...

And that's basically the plot of the comic, but in a comic like this the plot is not as important as the characters and Duffy nails the characters perfectly - that sort of aimlessness mixed with a fear that you ARE being aimless. The conversation between Rain and Leroy, in particular, is quite compelling.

I like the way that Duffy has Seattle take on a bit of an ethereal quality, with the backgrounds being basically pastels rather than an attempt to actually depict Seattle's landscape. It goes well with the supernatural beginning of the comic.

As you can see, every guy in the comic looks sort of elfin, but that's not really a drawback (I wouldn't call it a plus, either, it is just sort of there).

You can check out Duffy's work (including her other music based comic, Poseur Patrol) at her website here (you can find out how to buy Stars-N-You for just a buck!).