To "make the wait for issue #2 less excruciating," the Captain Ultimate team has released "a long-lost pulp adventure" starring the title character. The prose story, titled “Appetite for Destruction” and featuring a cover by Axl Rose Taylor Stauft, is available as a free download on the Captain Ultimate blog.

"When the world’s greatest hero, Captain Ultimate, disappeared, a writer named Richard Richardson kept his myth alive through pulp fiction, comic books, radio serials, and more," the press release reads. "While much of that material was thought to have been lost to time, current Captain Ultimate shepherds Benjamin Bailey, Joey Esposito, and Boy 'Boykoesh' Akkerman have unearthed a treasure trove of long-lost material from the notoriously reclusive writer."

It sounds like we can expect more "lost" Captain Ultimate stories in the future. The first issue of Captain Ultimate can be found on comiXology, while Issue 2 is due in September. Check out my interview from last month with Esposito and Bailey for more information on the comic.