The great cartoonist Josh Cotter, whose book Driven by Lemons ranked sixth on CBR's list of the Best Comics of 2009, is in a bad way. AdHouse Books publisher Chris Pitzer reports that Cotter's neighbor's apartment recently caught fire, and the flames spread to the apartment Cotter shares with his girlfriend and their cats. Fortunately no one (two-legged or four-legged) was hurt, and the property damage could have been much worse. But with no renters' insurance, and with the costs of clean-up and storage for all their stuff while they figure out their next move, Cotter is in the midst of a financial crisis.

Fortunately, there's two ways you can help, and both involve getting truly awesome comics and art in return. First, you can buy things from Cotter's website -- not just his magnificent graphic novels Skyscrapers of the Midwest and Driven by Lemons, but limited edition minicomics, prints, original pages from his books, and much more.

Second, AdHouse is donating 100% of the proceeds from sales of any of Josh's stuff directly to Josh for the next three weeks. If you ever wanted to check out the work of one of the best cartoonists of his generation, there's never been a better time.