"Invincible" is a book that I've sampled throughout its existence, but I've never really found that issue that welcomed me in and made me want to see more. Sure, there were entertaining stories and some decent art, but the book never found a way to hook me.

Naturally with a promise of a new storyline and the cheerful art of Cory Walker gracing the cover, I figured this might be a good time for another go. Walker's art is clean and crisp, uncluttered and sharp. My timing wasn't wrong.

The issue opens with an awkward interruption that makes the opening of the comic itself a little. . . awkward. Robert Kirkman sends Invincible's parents back into space and there are really only so many things folks can do in closed quarters for that long of a time. Or at least that's the message Kirkman is broadcasting with the actions of Omni-Man and his wife. Kirkman fills their relationship with humor and lightheartedness. Come to think of it, this entire issue is rather lighthearted.

On the planet Talescria, home of the Coalition of Planets, we find "the Great" Allen and his lovely lady, Telia, hosting Omni-Man's other son, Oliver, also known as Young Omni-Man.

Cory Walker does a great job of depicting the emotions of the cast of characters here, regardless of their planet of origin. Allen (a one-eyed, orange, hulking alien) is as expressive and emotionally charged as any of the human(istic) characters in this comic. More often than not, artists can draw cool aliens, or scary aliens, or funny aliens, but to have all of those emit from one alien -- based on his emotions and situation -- is a thing of beauty. That, to me, is a sign of a great artist. Walker doesn't just excel at Allen's brooding, though, as he wonderfully delivers Oliver's woes to the reader.

This is a fun book, with aliens and super-powered folks, strange planets, and fun technology. This issue has a great deal in it. It's rather intimidating for a relative newbie, but the sense of fun and excitement both shine through. There's a lot going on here on the surface, in the backgrounds, and in the near future as Kirkman sets up quite a few stories all in one broad stroke. This issue gave me enough to flip through the next. Where it goes from there, no one knows.