While I'm talking about comics adapted in to video games...

I've been playing a lot of Fallout 3 lately. It's a role playing game set in post apocalyptic America, where, after leaving the safety of Vault 101, you roam the irradiated wasteland. Theoretically, you're looking for your missing father, but once you're out in the world, you have the freedom to explore what's left of the greater Washington, D.C. area and see where that takes you. During the course of the game, you encounter a lot of mutated animals.

During a particularly boring moment at work today, an idea occured to me; all of these elements have a lot in common with those of everyone's favorite cutoffs wearing last boy on Earth. If you replaced some of the surly, paranoid people with surly, paranoid apes, you're in pretty similar territory.

Sure, I could create a character named Kamandi in the game with the character creation feature who looks like him (feathered hair!) and has the same characteristics. Given all the clothes you can scavenge, I could probably even find a nice pair of cut off shorts. It's just not the same without the apes, man. Although their may be a bunch of humanoid apes in Fallout 3; it's a massive game, so I have yet to see half of it, most likely, due to having to do things like work and sleep. And there's always downloadable content. They may have an ape expansion pack some day.

Of course, even if I was able to use Fallout 3's framework, it wouldn't quite be Kamandi without the Kirby aesthetics, would it? This game nailed it in a '60s Marvel pastiche, so you could probably transition in to what he did in the '70s fairly easily with that art team. Or hire any five comic book artists who've read a Kirby comic ever.

So, what I'm saying is, I want Bethesda and Irrational Games to team up and create a video game based on an obscure DC Comics property. Then again, he is appearing on Cartoon Network this weekend, so you never know.