For a character who exuded such coolness in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, the once-mysterious Boba Fett suffered such a ludicrous death in Return of the Jedi -- he tumbles into the sarlacc pit when a blind Han Solo accidentally ignites his rocket pack -- that the fan-favorite bounty hunter just had to be resurrected ... in the non-canonical Star Wars Legends, at least.

But surely he didn't simply crawl out of the Great Pit of Carkoon, where he should've been slowly digested for more than a thousand years. That's ... well, as ridiculous as the way he entered. So how did Boba Fett do it? Dan Stoeffler has a theory, which he's presented entirely in LEGO.

His diorama, created for a LEGO contest, shows a cr0ss-section of the sarlacc, revealing truths you won't even find in the Expanded Universe: that in the bottom is some kind of Jawa distillery, where they transform the creature's digestive juices into ... some kind of booze? "Indeed, it is here, at a few meters appart from the Sarlacc and in the greatest secret, that one of the magnificent drink of the universe is produced," Stoeffler explains. "It has even been served on Coruscant to the well known Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi master where it is called 'Jawa juice.' On Tatooine, it is called the 'Nectar of the Sarlacc.'"Man, I always knew scavenging was a front!
