An exquisite corpse is a sort of round robin where everyone contributes one piece to a work, without necessarily knowing the context of what they are creating. (Wikipedia entry here.) You probably did something like it as a kid, like the game where you fold a piece of paper in threes and different people draw a head, torso, and feet.

Bea AD (probably NSFW) is an exquisite corpse webcomic, and creator Snapper52 is inviting everyone to participate. The rules are straightforward: Send in a link to your illustration or comics site and Snapper52 will assign you a panel. The design of the main character is spelled out in detail but the rest remains mysterious, and the plot is rather obscure at the moment.

Creators should be aware that Snapper52 assumes all rights to reproduce the panel online or in print, and the goal is to ultimately assemble the panels into a publishable graphic novel.