She first garnered major attention right around Halloween with her short, sharp shock of a horror comic, "His Face All Red." Now, in honor of what Blanche Devereaux once referred to as "the most romantic day of the ye-ah," cartoonist Emily Carroll has posted another all-new webcomic, "Anu-Anulan and Yir's Daughter," and this time around, love is in the air rather than bloodspatter. This story of an amorous shape-shifting goddess and her beloved's beautiful hair is so convincingly authentic an evocation of ancient legend that you'll probably be stunned to learn that it wasn't drawn from some dusty library book of world myths, but from a world-building project completely of her own creation. It's also makes excellent use of the web's scrolling capabilities, and there are a couple of formal tricks at play in terms of how Yir's Daughter is portrayed and referred to that made me say "dang, that's smart" once I cottoned to them. Read it with someone you love!