Stoopid Buddy Stoodios -- the minds behind Robot Chicken -- and L Studio recently debuted Friendship All-Stars of Friendship, a series of stop-motion animated web shorts that brings together two celebrities who could be friends for a hilarious parody combination (for example, NPR's Ira Glass and Garrison Keillor, or director Guillermo del Toro and his longtime collaborator Ron Perlman). However, the web series took it to the next level in its most recent episode, as it united parody versions of all the actors who have played Batman on the big screen -- Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale -- for a massively ridiculous Bat-sleepover.

The short features a cameo from Tim Button (a stuffed facsimile of director Tim Burton), but regrettably Ben Affleck was not on the invitation list for the sleepover. Maybe after the Man of Steel sequel comes out, he'll get a chance to play pranks on Val Kilmer, too.