Adam Hines' Duncan the Wonder Dog has done pretty well — a little too well, as it turns out. The first printing has sold out, and the second won't be ready until later this spring. So Hines did the logical thing and took the digital road, but in this case, it's the road less taken: Rather than go with a comics app like comiXology, he is releasing Duncan in downloadable form via MyDigitalComics allows users to either download comics in PDF or CBZ format or keep them in the cloud and read them via an online web viewer.

Chris Pitzer of AdHouse, which publishes the print version of the book, talked to Laura Hudson of Comics Alliance about the decision to publish the graphic novel via MyDigitalComics rather than comiXology. One factor was that comiXology needed to reformat the files for mobile devices like the iPhone, which neither party wanted to do. On the other hand, since the files were already in digital form, no prep was needed to sell them as PDF or CBZ downloads, so the digital cost is lower than print.

And if you want to view it for free, take a look at Adam's blog, because hard as it is to believe, all of Show One is up there now. So why pay for a download? Because unlike a PDF, the web isn't forever — Hines plans to take Duncan back offline in March.

Need to know more? Publishers Weekly reviewed Duncan this week.