The secret is out - Well, one of them, anyway. But the revelation of who River Song is just opened up a whole new can of worms. Is it really any wonder that we've got 5 questions about last night's Doctor Who?

Am I The Only One Who Felt A Little Deja Vu Here?

I know why we got the whole "getting the gang back together" opening, but it really reminded me of the opening to "The Pandorica Opens," and not necessarily in a good way (At least we'd met those character before; the various characters the Doctor gathered for his so-called army this time around were, for the most part, brand new, making their introductory scenes curiously weightless). For an episode that had so much to give - and, to be fair, really came through in the second half - the first twenty minutes or so of "A Good Man Goes To War" felt like filler, especially with the odd comedy packed in (Not that it wasn't funny, but all the same - the Sontaran nurse who cures humans while pleasantly promising to kill them in battle later? The "tall one and the fat one" who don't need names because they're gay Anglicans? The spectacular "What do I see in you?" visual joke?). I really enjoyed this episode - even moreso the second time around - but was it only me that thought it was really uneven in terms of pacing and tone?

Who Are All These New Characters?

Talking of the new characters in the Doctor's army: Lorna Bucket? Madame Vastra, the Silurian Sherlock Holmes (which may or may not be an Easter Egg shout out to Who showrunner Steven Moffat's other series, the wonderful Sherlock) and her companion/girlfriend Jenny? I wonder whether these are throwaway characters meant to evoke numerous unseen adventures that the Doctor has been having without us watching - a running theme this season, think of the opening to "The Impossible Astronaut" - or some sneak peeks at stories yet to come, the same way that River Song went from throwaway character in "Silence In The Library" way back in season 4 to the character at the center of this season in more ways than one. If it's the former, then I hope the powers that be change their mind, because I would happily watch a Victorian-era detective show featuring Vastra and Jenny.

Who Are The Army At Demons Run?

We've seen this Anglican Army of Clerics before, in last year's "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone" two-parter - River was working with them at that point, interestingly enough - and they didn't seem to think that the Doctor was a threat back then. Does that mean that he somehow wins them over to his side when he rescues River - assuming that "The Time of Angels" happens later in their timeline due to River being an adult - or perhaps those episodes happened before this current storyline? In either case, why do the Clerics think that the Doctor is such a threat? And is it connected with the explosion of the Tardis as seen in last season's finale, which convinced the Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen and numerous other alien races that the Doctor was the greatest threat in the galaxy?

How Do The Silence Fit Into All Of This?

We know that the Silence tie into this story somehow - an older Melody will end up inside their astronaut suit in 1960s America, after all - but how? Are the Clerics convinced that the Doctor must be stopped because the Silence have programmed them to think that way and made them forget? And if so, does that mean that River really is just a Manchurian Candidate for the Silence, and the person inside the astronaut suit that killed someone who may or may not be the Doctor (or may, in fact, be a ganger duplicate)?

What Is So Special About Amy?

She's not only the girl with a crack in time and space in her bedroom wall, she's also the woman who remembered the Doctor back into existence in a rebooted universe and the mother of the first of an apparently reborn line of Time Lords. Amy Pond, it seems, is either extremely lucky when it comes to her sense of being in the right place at the right time, or there's even more to her than meets the eye. Somehow, I doubt all of these things are just coincidence...

Extra Sixth Question, Because It's The Mid-Season Break Already:

How Can I Wait Until September For The Next Episode?

Seriously. Just knowing that it's called "Let's Kill Hitler" makes the wait seem even more cruel.