Rivers of digital ink have been spilled trying to figure out exactly how poorly John Carter will perform at the worldwide box office. Most of it was conjecture and analysis, but Disney has released a statement that lays out more solid figures:

In light of the theatrical performance of John Carter ($184 million global box office), we expect the film to generate an operating loss of approximately $200 million during our second fiscal quarter ending March 31. As a result, our current expectation is that the Studio segment will have an operating loss of between $80 and $120 million for the second quarter. As we look forward to the second half of the year, we are excited about the upcoming releases of The Avengers and Brave, which we believe have tremendous potential to drive value for the Studio and the rest of the company.

As The Associated Press notes, that loss places John Carter among history's great box-office flops alongside Disney's Mars Needs Moms, Warner Bros.' Speed Racer and Columbia's infamous Ishtar.