Legacy comics, which continue on long after their creator's death, are common in the U.S. but less so in Japan. However, Crayon Shin-chan, the story of a mischievous little boy who drives his mother crazy with his smart talk and childish pranks, will continue despite the fact that creator Yoshito Usui died last September, presumably from a fall from a cliff while hiking. He had built up a big enough backlog that the series continued to run until March in the monthly magazine Manga Town, and then it stopped. But now, the Mainichi Daily News reports, thanks to popular demand, Usui's assistants are reviving the comic starting with the September issue.

Crayon Shin-chan was first published in the U.S. by Comics One and then, after that company became defunct, it was picked up with a new translation by CMX Manga—now also defunct. One begins to wonder if it isn't cursed, except that the anime is still going strong.