In the early '90s, the Supergirl/Matrix character was one of my favorites within the Superman family of comics. Despite having an odd origin (a shapeshifting protoplasmic blob who eventually turned into a Supergirl figure and served as the bodyguard for the supposed Lex Luthor II), the character was fun and the various writers who tackled her always had something interesting for her to go up against. So, without reuniting Roger Stern and Butch Guice to work on the character, what's the next best thing? As it turns out, having Keith Giffen, Timothy Green II and Joseph Silver deliver the silliest "Convergence" comic yet.

Giffen's script plays up on the overall ridiculous nature of "Convergence" and the dredging up of these worlds -- many of which were wiped out for a reason -- to a silly extreme. Lady Quark and Lord Volt's universe was originally created solely to be destroyed in "Crisis on Infinite Earths" and, with the freedom to do as he chooses, Giffen plays up the deliberate flipping of gender stereotypes in the characters' inception. The end result is a couple who clearly has no desire to be together, and we get a bickering, catty duo that still brings a strong level of humor to the comic.

Even before that begins, though, Giffen's script works at top speed. The banter between Supergirl and Lex Luthor is entertaining, and it actually made me nostalgic for the Lex Luthor II character (secretly the real Lex Luthor in a cloned younger body of himself); it was one of the better long-term plot twists at the time, and Giffen gives Lex and Supergirl a long-term familiarity where they're able to bounce off of one another. Add in Supergirl's bemused reaction to being around Lord Volt and Lady Quark as the duo fight, and you end up with high silliness.

Green's pencils are up to their usual standards, with sharp-edged faces and locks of hair that swoop around and twist in the air. It's a trademark style that is very much Green's these days, and it's distinctive without being distracting. There are a lot of panels missing backgrounds, although Green can get away with it thanks to a lot of the action being up in the air, which calls for a bright blue background. He makes up for it with some great expressions on Supergirl's face as she has to deal with Quark and Volt and little touches like the, "Metropolis, Home of Another Superman" sign will make readers laugh. With a solid ink line from Silver and bright, shiny colors from Hi-Fi, the book looks appealing and attractive.

Those looking for a serious comic can go elsewhere. However, if you're looking for some vintage Giffen humor (and a surprise Giffen character at the end of the comic that all but promises even more silliness to come next month), this is the comic for you. "Convergence: Supergirl: Matrix" #1 is even goofier than its title and all its promises.