A couple of weeks ago, the first survey we conducted told us a lot about how our reading has evolved over time. The next thing I'd like to explore is how comic book reading affects the people we care about.

Over the last decade or so, I've become increasingly aware of how my interest in this (supposedly) light-weight medium has disproportionately impacted other people's perception of me. Whether it was as a child, (when other girls found it strange that I read "boys" comics) or as a adult (when people I dated labeled my interests "juvenile"). These days I'm very lucky that the people close to me understand the creative potential of this medium and appreciate my enthusiasm for it.

I've put together a short survey of only 7 questions which should help us get a picture of how the people we care about see our interest. It will be up for the next 6 days for you to answer, and to repost for other comic book readers. At the end of Tuesday next week, I'll close the survey to collect the results and design an infographic from them (see last week's results for an example of how this can look).

As always, all of the answers will be completely anonymous and I will have no way to know who answered what, so feel free to be completely honest!

Please repost this and share it, let's try to get as many replies as we can, from as large an audience as possible. Thank you in advance for your input.

Here is a link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GM7JDSV