About 500 new words and phrases entered the Oxford English Dictionary this week, ranging from Blu-ray to shipping to fap (it means exactly what you think).

Among the words now enshrined in “the definitive record of the English language,” which has been settling disputes and igniting new ones for 131 years, is comix.

Characterized as an "alteration of comics," it's a plural noun defined as, "Comic books and comic strips, especially ones written for adults or of an underground or alternative nature." Sadly, the entry doesn't include a date for its first usage.

Comix follows "hentai," which was added to the OED in 2011.

Unfortunately, however, comix's honor has been a bit overshadowed in a round of additions that includes the likes of YOLO, bukkake, Fo'shizzle, shitshow, sexting and twerking. Oh, well, YOLO, indeed ...