Person of Interest star Kevin Chapman spent some time in the CBR Tiki Room hot seat during New York Comic Con, and Detective Fusco was more than happy to talk about the most comic book show on television that's not based on a comic book, discussing its similarities to the Batman mythos to his character's moral ambiguity and personal growth and more.

On Detective Fusco's complicated morality: “What's great about Fusco is he's a character with a sense of duality. Is he a good guy doing bad things, or is he a bad guy doing good things? That is really up to the viewership and that is what really makes it so interesting to play the character, because you're just trying to stay truthful to what's on the page, and then you let the audience be the jury.”

On the types of roles he's become known for over the course of his career: “I've played a lot of conflicted characters. I don't know if I'd refer to them as dirty characters, 'cause I mean, I've played … Black Dynamite, I played Leary who is the dope-dealing former CIA member … and of course I had the series The Brotherhood that was on Showtime which, once again, was a character with a sense of duality. I love to play those anti-hero type characters. They're the most fun to play.

On Fusco's development over the course of the first season: “I think by [Harold] Finch coming into Fusco's life, it brought him back to the once-heroic image of himself that he once had. At some point in his life, he had to have some level of a heroic image of himself to join the police department, first of all. And I think what happened was, he got into the police department, and you hate to use the whole cliche "falling in with the wrong crowd," but that's exactly what he did. I think once Mr. Finch and [John] Reese came into his life, he was reluctant and he didn't want to embrace their idea at first, and then, when he realized that he couldn't kill Reese off -- which he tried to do a number of times [Laughs] -- you got to embrace the idea of, maybe these guys are onto something.”

Person of Interest airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.