Dear Comic Book Bloggers,

I get it. The first issue of James Robinson's Justice League comic is bad. Really, really bad. Terrible. Risible. Like a Frankenstein's monster of all the hacky cliches everyone hates about modern superhero comics (or it's an average DC comic, if you're T.). It is the worst thing in the history of ever, at least until the next issue comes out, or Jeph Loeb ups the ante with Ultimatum 2: Ultimatumer, Or: There's Still Some Meat On Ultimate Wasp's Corpse! Get To It Blob!

So, if you wanted even people who were pretty well ignoring it (including Joe Sacco, apparently) to know it's risibly bad, mission accomplished. I'm pretty sure they know on the moon now. So, really, unless you are Abhay, Jeff Lester, or someone else who I like to read no matter what dumb crap they're reviewing, you can all shut the hell up about it forever now.


The One Guy On The Internet That Did Not Purchase This Comic And Missed Out On A Chance To Mock It Before It Became Cliched, But Is Not Bitter About It At All, Seriously, And Can You Believe This Is Also On My Business Card? That cost a ton,

Brad Curran

P.S.: Is it still funny to point out that the logo looks like it says "Gay for Justice"? Was it ever? Is Chris Butcher going to put me on "the list" if I say it's funny? Does Chris Butcher have a list? Does he still read this blog despite our fear of penises being on par with the women in South Park? Is Cronin pissed because I brought all that up again? Will Omar Karindu and Apodaca ever admit their secret love for one another? When did this turn in to a Days of Our Lives teaser?