With three days remaining in Black History Month, we shine the spotlight on an excellent artist who you probably didn't even know was black. I didn't.


57. Brian Stelfreeze

(click to magnify, along with a few others in this post)

Brian Stelfreeze is an amazing artist. He's mostly done cover work, though he does have several interior credits to his name. You've seen his work on the covers of Batman: Shadow of the Bat, Doc Savage, Fallen Angel, Firestorm, and others, and in the pages of Domino, the Matador, and more.

He can do gorgeous paintings, art that looks like stained glass, or the best animation cels you've ever seen. Let the pictures speak for themselves:

To see more of his art, check out the Gaijin Studios website. And for something cool and humorous, check out Paul Jenkins' latest Flogging a Dead Horse column over at Newsarama to see Brian stop by and contribute to a blisteringly insane song you can then listen to.

I think The 'Freeze is fantastic. How about you?